This is a note of gratitude to Steve C., administrator of this site and Virtual Trail Angel of the Mt Whitney routes and all of their approaches.

On my recent JMT hike, this MB in general and Steve in particular provided support and guidance to me and especially to my loved ones in ways that went far beyond just enhancing the experience or providing interesting and useful information.

Steve's efforts through and around the MB supported my trip in important, material ways that could not have been provided by any other resource I know of. An example, but by no means the only instance, was Steve's expert handling of the SPOT failure, which happened to occur in the heart of the most difficult part of my trip. Steve's instant read on the situation - that it was likely a system failure and not any danger to particular hikers - proved 100 percent accurate, and that informed read, later confirmed, provided exactly the calming assurance that those watching SPOT tracks were suddenly most in need of. More, his follow-through to confirm the initial interpretation was invaluable.

The man has trail cred.

You don't do that just by administering an MB. As many have said here before in other contexts, its not the equipment that is critical, but having and using the right skills.

Steve's got the tools and uses 'em with skill and generosity. I thank him for that, and I know many others do, too.

Wherever you go, there you are.