Jessica has sailed past Western Australia and is now in South Australian waters. Took her a week to sail past WA, but WA is about three times the size of Texas.

Abby is still having autopilot woes. I wondered why she didn't have a wind-powered auto-pilot like Jessica, she (Abby), posted that apparently her boat is not suitable for wind-powered autos. Still, her trouble-shooting skills are exceptional, for a man, woman or child.

Quote from a comment:

"Years ago I installed a Morse hydraulic steering in a boat for a long cruise. I inquired about what types of fluids would work in an emergency. I was told, to my amazement, that in an emergency salt water could be used."

So long as Abby doesn't run out of salt water she should be OK.

Last edited by wagga; 04/23/10 07:54 PM.

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