Mt Whitney Zone
Heya all,

Finished Whitney for the first time (Solo'd nearly all of it)!
Would write a huge report and elaborate story on how amazing of an adventure it was, but will just save you the time and show you the photos laugh. Overall, Great weather this last weekend up to about tuesday when the clouds opened up.

The first set are some of the trail photos (which I guess would already be outdated for the major storm that happened today (wed 5th). There are also a few pictures that are of stranged looking rocks and stuff along the way, see if you can recognize any of them! Apologies for the code, cant seem to figure out how to emb the pictures right,

Take Care,

I can spot a ton of faces in this picture laugh

Saturn/Jupiter on horizon...forgot which one.

Wednesday SNOW!

These are just a few, I have a ton more that just haven't looked at just as cool.
If you happened to be on the trail this last weekend and want some of the photos just shoot me a message or respond here with your email address and I will send you a bunch. Some are panoramas which should look nice.
Hey! Who is the alligator/crocodile Hiking Buddy? We have a thread just for the freeloading animals ummm buddy pictures!

Hes my Tomistoma laugh!
He kinda symbolizes my newly-started nonprofit thats working on their better conservation and research on the endangered species. I actually spent wednesday at Lo-Inyo elementary lecturing some of their classes about science and conservation which was the real reason why I was up in the area (whitney was just a major plus for the trip laugh!)

Um, a link to our unfinished website is here if interested (

I will make sure to check out that forums, (I am hoping this guy will be sticking around for more hikes in the time to come).

Take care
I will take a look at your site (coming from a science background, myself)

Take a look at our other Buddies:
Cool pictures and report!
Looks like I will get to use the snow gear after all!
This should be interesting.
Great pictures!!!! Thanks
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