Great map. Thanks. Note also that it shows a through trail going down from Charlotte Lake to Bubbs Creek. All of the early trips (Brewer 1863, Brown & LeConte 1890/1900 etc.) all describe going up this route with stock. Guess it was still in use in 1905 & perhaps 1927.

Also note Harrison pass as the standard marked route and no John Muir Trail (Forester; trail ends at Twin Lakes and goes out over Sawmill). LeConte reported going over Harrison in around 1900 with stock. I thought that was the only time with stock, but maybe not. That route STILL shows up as a trail on not-well-edited maps (currently on the ESRI basemaps online).

First written record of Forester being crossed was, I think, about 1905 by a Sierra Club party. They reported it as having been used by sheepherders, but didn't make it sound well used.

Very cool.


Last edited by George; 02/11/11 06:12 PM.

None of the views expressed here in any way represent those of the unidentified agency that I work for or, often, reality. It's just me, fired up by coffee and powerful prose.