Gary and Mike.. the only problem with cinching or drawstring type functions in the footbox area of a bag is it would seem, to me, to reduce the area that my tootsies have to move around. I really, really don't like my feet being bound up while I'm trying to sleep.

The issue with sticking with down is, as much as I love it, the whole getting wet issue. My budget one man backpacking tent is a one wall and condensates like nobody's business. Thusly, most mornings I will wake up to a small shower inside my tent... getting whatever I have in there damp. Occasionally I am slick enough to move around and get myself dressed and ready for the morning without bumping the walls and creating the aforementioned shower... but my bag is ALWAYS damp when I climb out of it.... a guy at Sports Chalet recommended slipping my bag into this waterproof e-blanket kinda dealie... but I'm not to sure about that.

I had thought about looking into that sleeping system that has no bottom of the bag that you have to put the pad in.... I've known a couple of people who have those.

The guy at Sport Chalet also pointed me to a Kelty bag (don't remember the exact style) but it was down... and for people under 5'4"...

I wanted to shop around though... but when I looked at REI's website I didn't see a single short bag....

Last edited by Steve C; 02/16/11 03:11 PM.