Originally Posted By: KevinR
Whether to filter/not to filter is often a prickly issue for some, but not me. Just like I don't play in traffic, jump off 3 story buildings, try to outrace a cop, snack on roadkill - I don't drink from questionable water sources.
grin Well, let me see....

I've played in traffic (heck, the way I drive, I do that often -- just ask wagga). I've jumped off a 3-story bridge, and once got away from a cop (I was ~17). And I have eaten roadkill. So... I drink from more water sources than Kevin. grin

The inflow into the Trail Camp tarn IS a ways off the trail, so it takes a minute or two to get there, but it isn't difficult. I'd trust that water any day.

It's a trade off whether you carry your filter that far and use it right by the trail, or walk a little distance and dip your water.