WANTED: challenging hikers!

I have done Whitney in the summer and I have hiked the heck out of Yosemite and my local Santa Monica Mountains. Recently started hiking in the snow (Mt Baldy)and I am hooked but my partner in crime is no longer available. Is there anyone in the LA region that would be interested in adding a hiker on weekends and long trips? I'm in pretty good shape (love uphills and long distances) and want to do Langley and Whitney and everything else. I promise I will not slow you down- even if I am a girl. Challenge me =)

I am in the process of buying winter gear (summer hiking is much more wallet friendly.) Currently I rely on a positive attitude, fitness, and determination to get me through. I respect knowledgeable hikers and I am a good listener and learner.

I am new to this message board so if there is a more appropriate place to post this, please let me know! Cheers!


*just a friendly southern cali girl with a monkey on her back where ever life takes her*