Forty three years ago, my brother, cousin and I were dropped off at a park somewhere in northern California and hiked (by our selves) about 5 or more miles up a trail in the Sierra's, spent the night by a lake, and came down the next day. I was 8 years old, maybe just turned 9. My brother, the oldest was 12. The three of us are doing this again June 30th. (overnighter)My cousin (Charlie) is in the best shape, being a ski bum from Park City. My brother and I are ex-smokers and in decent shape.(more or less) We both are in "training" trying to prepare for Mt. Whitney. My biggest concern is Altitude, being that I live in Southern MD, basically at or below sea level. I plan on training some in western MD....foothills compared to CA....but it's all I have. Super fired up for the challenge and looking forward to the trip. I hope to be posting successful news come July 4th. Great information here, Thanks. Will