Sounds good, Rod.

I imagine there is a cutoff point for most people, though. At what point would running barefoot cause more injury than good? I'll bet Barefoot Ted lives and works barefoot all the time.

...reminds me of my childhood. Not sure when I started wearing shoes, but as a kid on a farm, I did everything barefoot, driving tractor, milking cows, irrigating. It was only when I had to go to school or church that shoes were worn.

But then in high school, I got into cross country and track, and mostly wore cheap tennis shoes, or those thin gum-rubber-soled track knockoffs (remember those). In fact, I did a few half-marathon morning pre-workouts by jogging to school (at about 7 min. per mile!), followed by the track team's workout in the afternoon. But that was just too much for my nearly barefoot feet -- had to stop doing the long runs because it caused too much foot pain.