John, just got off the phone with Bob, who was calling to check on me. No worries about this cancelling my climbing aspirations. I told him we are on for a re-match next year. I'll just spend 12 months climbing with the catpappy and getting more experience under my belt. Everything worked in this emergency like it was supposed to and, while there was some serious hypothermia concern going on, I was never - ever - in danger of falling. That two-plus hours stuck on the ledge was probably the longest of my life, but I occupied myself by looking down that 350-400 feet below me and thinking, "that's a looooong way down, but I'll get there roped eventually". As I've progressed from Class 3 scrambling to Class 4, then on to roped Class 5 stuff, I've discovered I don't really have the fear of heights I thought I did. That came in very handy yesterday, and helped me stay calm and keep things in perspective.

Rod, the shoulder is better today. The pain is centered in my trapezius, tricep and pectoral area, but pretty much only when my arm goes above shoulder level. I'm pretty sure I can carry a heavy pack 6 miles to Consultation Lake and use trekking poles. Actually, the worst pain today was my hands - half the skin is gone off two fingertips, and both thumbnails are seperating. I would rely on my treking pole strap pads for a little cushion, but a damn marmot chewed them away yesterday while Bob and I were up on the climb . . .