Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park is conducting a Search and Rescue for an overdue hiker. If you have any information please call the number below.

Name: Adam Atteo
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Age: 28
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Race: White

Identifying features: Dark beard, thin build.

Clothing: ukn

Backpack: Dark Blue or Green Camo

Tent: Dark Blue/Black "spider"

Sleeping Bag: North Face, 0 degree, Blue/Black

Point Last Scene: Junction of the Piute Canyon and the John Muir Trails on
9/30/2011, headed southbound on the John Muir Trail.

Itinerary: Start Tuolome Meadow on 9/18/2011, head south on the John Muir Trial to exit at Whitney Portal on 10/1/2011.
If you make contact with or have seen Adam Atteo, or have information regarding this missing person, contact Park Dispatch at 559-565-3195.