Add me to the list....dislocated on the Cornice at Mammoth 25 years ago. I've become an expert at re-locating the ball in the socket without assistance.

Can you imagine coaching little league and trying to teach kids how to throw the ball correctly when every throw feels like your arm is being torn off?

Joe Q will appreciate this story....Our baseball pro at the our little league field is Reggie Smith. At the beginning of every season he gives a coaching clinic and for some reason he picks me as his guinea pig. (could be because I am a commissioner). And every year he has me demonstrate how to throw the ball. And every year I throw the ball incorrectly and he shows me how to throw the ball. Which, I do...while holding back the reaction of from the stabs of pain in my shoulder. Thanks Reggie!

As soon as I am done coaching little league I am going to get the surgery done. I'm definitely having some nerve issues that the docs think is related.