Dear MooseTracks,

I love reading your posts and seeing your photos. You have such amazing energy and spontaneity. I'm sure you are a wonderful asset to Bishop. You bring such a positively wonderful view of the world in the Sierra Nevada and surrounding mountain areas of this beautiful State of California. You're a wonderful Ambassador for our great State.

When I read your post about Kurt's desire to climb Mt. Everest I got goose bumps. I'm always awe-struck by people who have the motivation to climb Mt. Everest. I hope you'll do a day-by-day report as Kurt climbs to the summit, if it's at all possible to get updates from him daily. I've read Cindy Abbott's posts and see her presentation on her climb and I've seen programs on television showing climbers and how they have to acclimate for a long time before they summit, but I've never actually met someone before they actually climbed Mt. Everest. I believe I've met Kurt, at least I think I met him or saw him at REI in Tustin, CA for Cindy's presentation of her climb. Maybe I've just read many posts by Kurt about his Mt. Baldy climbs to the point that I feel I know him or have met him. I'm so excited for him. I wish him a successful summit and a safe return.

