Yes, this seems very common as low as 9,000 feet. I often see edema. People note it and ask about it. Seems benign -- that is, no obvious relationship to that and HAPE or HACE (though, at some level, it must be a similar mechanism...). For people acclimating normally, it goes away by day 3 at altitude.

Perhaps some MD could explain it better, but there's something going on with fluid in tissues. I notice (even in myself) that it builds up slightly in hands and feet, then after a couple of days, you piss a lot and everything's back to normal.

I rarely have symptoms of AMS (headache, nausea etc.). But a day or two of increased urinary frequency does happen (OK. Perhaps too much detail, but there you go...).


None of the views expressed here in any way represent those of the unidentified agency that I work for or, often, reality. It's just me, fired up by coffee and powerful prose.