I spent last weekend in Yosemite. On Thursday, my friend and I walked the Panorama trail, which was a first for me. Wagga, here is my pic of the junction just before Illouette Falls.

Yosemite 2012 033 by Northern Explorers1, on Flickr

Thanks for the tip. What a great lookout. Someone told me later about another lookout place that was different from this. Next time I hike it, I'll find it. One of my favorite sites was a grouping of 7 snow flowers all together. I captured the sun coming through these buds.

Yosemite 2012 052 by Northern Explorers1, on Flickr

Day 2 was a trip up Half Dome via the mist trail. The trail to Half Dome was almost completely empty. I don't think I will ever do Half Dome during the regular season again. When the cables are down, they are still there, just not propped up on poles. That factor seems to keep most people away and so the hike is far more enjoyable.

I blended the two sets of pics into this vimeo video.


Another glorious day in the mountains.
