Hey All...
Great message board!

I dayhiked the main trail 9 years ago and again with my Mom a few years ago. Both times I was able to reserve a permit in advance and a campspot at the portal in advance. I have the opportunity for a last minute trip up the hill this Thursday and have a couple questions that I'm just not completely clear on.
-- I don't have a dayhike permit but am not worried about getting one for Thursday. Looks like there have historically been plenty unused midweek. I'm driving from Sacramento so it's a gamble. Should I be worried or would you agree that a permit shouldn't be an issue? I'm a little concerned that the trail closures next week will bring more people out this week.

-- Can someone confirm that it's 2pm at the ranger station to try and claim unused permits? Any reason to show up earlier?

-- I'm driving down Wednesday and planning on using the backpacker tent sites near the trailhead Wed night. I don't think I saw these my last 2 times at the Portal. Are they easy to find? Well marked?

-- I see on reserveusa when I checked into portal camp spots that they have spots listed as walk in only. Are these different from the backpacker spots? They look like regular spots on the map. Do you just check in with the camp host to grab on of these? What's the cost? The website was not clear.

Thanks All!
I'll post up a report when I get back. Looking forward to getting back on the mountain!
