Harvey, I finished the Boardman Tasker Omnibus while acclimating prior to my last trip into the Sierra. One of the most enjoyable book(s) I've read. What's your next favorite sir? I think it's going to be hard topping this one.

Originally Posted By: Harvey Lankford
Originally Posted By: 2600fromatari
I just finished the first one, Savage Arena, and I'm glad I bought this. Wow...no, WOW!!! What an incredible person and achievements. Down to earth and honest writing, and I agree, you feel like you're on the mountains with him. Glad I saw this.

Originally Posted By: Harvey Lankford
Bee, this is my all time favorite:

especially Joe Tasker the master of empathetic mountain writing.
If you want to FEEL what it is like to be at extreme altitude, read the 4-books-in-one Boardman-Tasker Omnibus.


I am so delighted you enjoyed it - my all time favorite quote is from that book. Harvey

In some ways, going to the mountains is incomprehensible to many people and inexplicable by those who go. The reasons are difficult to unearth and only with those who are similarly drawn is there no need to try to explain.
Joe Tasker, Savage Arena, page 260 ( in Boardman-Tasker Omnibus)