My personal opinions here...

> Possibly utilize the "accept or decline your trip date", with the non-refundable $15 per person fee payment made when you accept.

This one is a tough one. It will turn the lottery into more of a free-for-all, where the most industrious person would have a better chance than a person playing more reasonably. Say I decided to enter 10 applications, paying the $6 for each application, (and each application could contain 15 distinct start dates). For $60, I would have a 10 times better chance of winning a slot, as compared to someone entering a single application. That favors people with more time and money. I don't like that.

It also begins to look like the river lotteries, where there is about a 5% success rate.

I still feel that limiting the number of applications, but enabling people to enter a date range rather than 15 specific entry dates would be more equitable.

...but this is my opinion only. I'd like to see others' ideas. (and so would Inyo staff.)