I guess I'm just a softie, but I don't see the humor or the connection to a 60-yr man falling to his death. I'm having a hard time laughing about this crazy talk of zip lines, trams, flush toilets, and scooters. All this because of one guy's opinion about the value of having better cell reception? Reply to one of the cell phone threads if that's the point of this, it's been rehashed ad naseum already.

If hiking with 200 other people on a trail littered with plastic poop bags, cables on the switchbacks, to a peak with a stone hut and circus atmosphere is considered "wilderness" I feel sorry for you. Mt Whitney is an awesome and rewarding trophy hike in the High Sierra's, but if you're looking for true wilderness, keep walking. Plenty of true wilderness just beyond this special place.

Rest in peace, Mr. Kato.