Climbing the chute really isn't that hard its just strenuous, make sure you have nutrition at arms reach because It will take you 1-2 hrs to get up and its not like you can just pop your pack off and pull out a sandwich, your at a 50 degree angle!

At the end of the Chute climb you will see peoples tracks veer off to the right around some rocks essentially shortening your trip up the entire chute, this is the way we went along with every one else we saw going up and down. The last 10-15 yards can be tricky/sketchy especially if the snow has softened up. Be careful in that area it was probably my scariest part of the climb up as well as down.

Make sure you have a plan for water after Trail Camp, i.e boil snow, I didn't see much running water up top, others may know more than me though.