Thanks for the report. I have been wondering if I will need to use the chute or take the switchbacks on June 12th. It's looking more and more like the switchbacks. I also appreciate the video as it gives me something to compare on Whitney to my experience on Mt. Shasta in the past. The chute looks a lot less icy than what I experienced glissading down Avalanche Gulch on Mt. Shasta - really got flying compared to what that guy was doing even using my ice axe as a brake to keep the speed down - and the way the climber coming up the Chute was moving, it looks like the Chute may even be a little steeper than Avalanche Gulch. The only time I actually used my ice axe to help me climb up Shasta was when going up the very steep section to the left of the Heart (I wouldn't recommend this unless you like the adrenaline rush of fear as you cross the top of the Red Banks moving back towards Misery Hill, definitely go to the right). My buddy and I did find someone's ice axe and shades that day. Not a pleasant thought when climbing very steep ice, especially in retrospect when nobody ever contacts you to claim the gear.

And while I may not be a seasoned climber/hiker, I could not believe what I saw on Shasta that first time. People in tennis shoes carrying quart bottles of water trying to climb up the loose roock alongside the Red Banks. It made me feel a little less stupid about the chances I had taken. My friends generosity really affected us negatively, as he offered some of our water to a couple of these people who looked particularly ill. By the time we got back to Horse Camp, I practically buried my face in the spring as we had just over 1 qt between us for the trip back down from the summit, and it was long gone before Horse Camp. :-)

Last edited by 2Old4This; 06/03/14 09:29 AM.