I, for one, never critique anyone's plans N2 the Gr8 Yd Opn. Sounds like a good strategy to me! Oh, did I just critique? Never mind the Tude Dude!

When MooseTracks keyboardeth, listeneth! She's been there and done that many times I reckon...Must be nice to live on the Eastend of the Sierra dagnabbit! wink.

(Laura, I like the "get used to being high" part. Yo, dude, got any Grateful Dead to listen to while I crunch on my trail mix?

Yes, MooseTracks is correct. No camping at Schulman. You will probably have Grandview all to yourself. Don't forget firewood.

Heck, forget White! Take a stroll through the bristlecone pines at Schulman! Say hi to Methuselah!

Have fun!

Journey well...