Thomas, I hiked the whole way...jogging would have been sketchy on the descent because of the rain!

For food, I started the day with some oatmeal, honey, and bananas, coconut water, and coffee at about 2:30 in the morning.

On the hike, I just brought snacks including peanut butter cups, turkey jerky, Larabars, dried mango, some of those chewy fruit cubes coated with sugar, and a peanut butter, honey, and banana sandwich on whole wheat bread. I think I snacked on some peanut butter cups and before trail camp, ate half the sandwich somewhere between trail camp and the summit (I can't remember where), then ate the rest of the sandwich, some more peanut butter cups, some dried mango, and the turkey jurky on the summit. The sandwich was really really dry and chewy haha. The peanut butter cups were kind of a mess, I wouldn't recommend them. I didn't eat anything on the descent.

I had planned to eat 200 calories an hour, but I ended up just eating when I felt like it was a good time to refuel. I had a bunch of uneaten food left over when the hike was done.

Hope this helps!