Here's a report by Jim F on wpsmb:

As of Thursday Oct 2, 2014:

Some residual snow from the recent hefty snowfall is still covering much of the switchbacks. The backside (between Trail Crest and the summit) is essentially clear of snow. No evidence of the spring at switchback 23.

I went up and down the switchbacks carefully with trail runners and without hiking poles. In retrospect, it would have been nice to have had the hiking poles.

The weather was awesome and this will likely continue some. I hiked the snow while it was in direct sunlight. If in the shadows, during night, or if the temperature falls, I suspect the residual ice/snow will require attention.

Many hikers were out on the trail. The number of tents counted at Trail Camp and Outpost Camp were in the double digits each. Some Fall colors are beginning to show below Lone Pine Lake.