Well, here's that picture:

You say I took it? I can't seem to find my copy. Exif data says it was taken May 11, 2012 8:03:44AM

Yes I have a degree in Geology, but that was from 40 years ago. I haven't worked in that field for ...38 years! Unused knowledge evaporates. frown

Just understand: As the processes are pushing mountain ranges up, equal processes of erosion are tearing away at everything. Erosion works faster in areas of lesser resistance, so sometimes "bowls" are just places where the composition of the rock was different enough that it eroded more quickly. In addition, throughout the Sierra there are areas where the granite varies in composition. The block wasn't all pushed up as a single chunk. Think of it more as a semi-fluid pile of many pieces.

Yes, the stuff is truly fascinating. My biggest take-away is how miniscule we are in both time span and size in the universe over time.