I hate Cottonwood Pass. It's too sandy, too up and down and too sun exposed. I prefer New Army Pass. Using the South Fork Trail to Long Lake...cross country through the South Fork Lakes Basin. This short cut will save you a mile plus the ups and downs of the Cottonwood Lakes/New Army Pass Trail.

As for bear canisters...for a six day trip, I filled a weekender up with the first days food in the pack. I would not buy a second canister but would use an Ursack, if needed. I do this trip in 3 days, so canister space is not an issue.

PLB? Ah, no! These are highly traveled trails all the way, even on the west side. Just study a good map for your route of travel and read about your trip.

I have spent a month worth of days on Whitney trips and have been rained on for 5 minutes. However, I have worn my rain gear to the mountain because of wind about 1/2 the time. I prefer shells to a poncho because of the wind.

Cell phones will only work with line of sight. Top of the passes and peak, usually. I only count on my phone to provide me with music during trips.

Last edited by wbtravis; 04/11/15 09:25 AM.