Originally Posted By: Mosito
Thanks for your thoughts....

I bought (Oxygen Max 60 - Endurance Supplement, Cordyceps Sinensis, Altitude Sickness) for the altitude. I assume they are similar.

I will be hiking a day before my attempt to about 12,000, but going down to lone pine for the night... i know it negates the benefits, but i figured it wouldn't hurt...

Then I will stay at trail camp to attempt my ascent on the third day... Hopefully that is enough.

I just wasn't sure if I should get bear spray or have to worry while at trail camp sleeping...

Actually I'm pretty certain your acclimation plan isn't negated at all by what you describe and seems like a very good plan. I am not familiar with your Oxygen supplement but am guessing it is completely different than Diamox. Diamox is actually a cataract medication that somehow they figured out helps with altitude medication at very low doses. (125mg) It needs to be taken prior to the hike.

There are marmots I know you have to worry about at Trail Camp but am almost certain there are no bears there. Others will confirm.