Have been working on setting up an Outdoor Forums Alert and Info Collection System which will contact several outdoor forums in case of a missing person in the Sierra.

The intention of this is to reach outdoor communities of various activities (hiking, climbing,and backpacking) that could have information relevant to an on-going case. Many of us in these communities have in-depth knowledge of the areas where a missing person in question disappeared and could also have educated theories on where the person could be located. Photo's of the area in question, at the time of the incident could also be useful, this would point to the conditions the missing person was dealing with at the time.

This system can only be successful if there is an open line of communication developed with the authorities of the several County Sheriff Departments PIO, including Yosemite and SEKI, which is what we have been working on. Just as important is everyone's willingness to help the authorities by getting the word out on social media, someone out there may have useful information, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

We will send out a basic alert to all the forums, linking them back to HST, so all the information related to a case can be in one central thread, rather than scattered over several forums, therefore making the agencies involved jobs easier, so they can extract any useful information and dispatch it to incident commanders in the field.

