Originally Posted By: TrailKrum
I am hiking the HST this July from the 9-14th. The lingering snowpack and recent heat wave has me rather concerned regarding steep snow, avalanche risk and stream crossings at lower elevation.

Would you be able to post any photos that your friend took during his trip? Particularly of the steep snow conditions between the lower Hamilton Lake and Precipice Lake.

I am hoping that an ice axe will not be necessary in two weeks time, and that enough of the trail will be uncovered by then--I do not have much snow experience.

TrailKrum, I've left Andrew P a request asking if he has any pictures.

As for the tunnel and chute above Hamilton Lake, your best option is to watch for trip reports, and call the SeKi wilderness permit rangers. They should have day-by-day conditions reports. Conditions of that spot July 10 will be questionable.

Ask here closer to that date, and I'll see what I can find.