Originally Posted by Saximus03
! I know it will be cold, but how cold? I want to measure over a decent amount of time what the average temperatures for those elevations were in the past so I know what to expect;

Saximus03, I can't help with the snow part of of your original query, but if you want to do a mini study of temperatures at Trail Camp and the Summit, there's a decent source for some proxy data using the "Mount Whitney Weather" link on the left side of the page. Click on that, then click on the "Cottonwood Lakes" link. That brings up a searchable record going back nearly 20 years, charting daily temperatures - sometimes 20 readings a day - including high and low. They report it in graphical form for 7 day periods, so it's easy to see the temperature swings over the day and across the calendar.

The reporting station is roughly 5-6 miles south of Trail Camp. The State Department of Water Resources, which manages the station, indicates that it sits at 10,150 feet. So, it's not exact, but if you use a rule of thumb - something like 3 degrees cooler per 1000 feet gained - for differences in elevation, you can get a rough estimate of Trail Camp (12,000+/-) and Whitney summit (14,500+/-) temperatures.