futbol's description of the two crossings below the Ebersbacher ledges are right on. I have taken the north side (Rockwell shortcut) several times. It completely bypasses those two crossings.

Originally Posted by futbol
Originally Posted by aastro
If conditions are dry, my assesment is the walkoff traverse looks like it would be no problem, and easier than the downclimb. Is that fair?

The final 400 is not so difficult. The deaths on the 'easy walkoff' in the past few years scare me.

The deaths on the walkoff occur when the slope just past the start of the Final 400 is iced over. Then it is deadly. Last one to die there meant to go down the Main Trail, since his overnight gear was near Trail Camp. In his disorientation at the summit, he followed tracks down the north side and slipped trying to cross that steep icy section. When there is no ice or snow, it is easy.

By the way, a short trip report here: