Hey Bob. To be clear, are you saying that get off Russell, aim for the MR Chute + final 400, summit Whitney, then go for Muir and back up to Whitney summit and descend MR? I saw Secor's class 3 line off Russell. He's got it outlined well so that makes me less nervous. We have to take the line which is closest to the East Peak.
By the way, Muir should be doable and dry right? If not, there's no point in me actually doing the linkup. I don't know if anyone's been up there recently. Might have to post another thread to ask specifically about Muir. Also, if we ascend the MR chute, is it worth hauling the extra weight for mountaineering boots and crampons? Last time I went up there, it was suncupped enough that I thought I could get away with microspikes.