Steve, after her really bad event on Pikes Peak a few years ago she's been very wary of getting too high too quickly (scared s%@tless, actually). For our trip to the Sierra a few weeks ago, we planned to spend 5 nights at 8000 feet (Mammoth) and hike in the 11,000 foot range for several days before heading to Whitney for my hike. She had not hiked extensively over 10,000 feet before, and the Pikes Peak reaction at 14,000 feet made her very apprehensive.

Diamox was an obvious aide for her, but she's been "allergic" to sulfa drugs since she was a teen - bad reaction to some antibiotic. After reading the thread here about the whole Diamox/Dex thing, with Ken's medical advice that Diamox isn't strictly a sulfa drug by the classic definition and "allergies" may not apply, I suggested she talk it over with her doctor. Sure enough, after hearing her "sulfa allergy" story, he prescribed it for her.

Many people have a reaction after taking a drug - GI-related issues, headache or some other common ill - and decide that they are allergic to the drug, going forward in life with that belief. It may (or may not) have been the drug that caused their illness/event, but even if it was - with that specific drug at that specific time - that doesn't mean that they are allergic, especially if no classic allergy symptoms appear. That, and there are so many derivatives of sulfa-based drugs, it seems prudent to review with a doctor before dismissing the option out of hand due to a presumed sulfa allergy (which I believe is one of the more common drug allergies out there).

Her dosage was, I believe, half a tablet. She tried it out a few days before we left, just to see if she would have a reaction. Other than the irritating tingling/thrumming side effect, she had no problem. Certainly no allergic reaction.

The good news was that she didn't have to rely on it in the Sierra, as we spent a night at 8000 feet (Mammoth) before going for an easy walk at 10,500 the next day (Little Lakes Valley). She acclimated just fine on her own and was able to hike several days around 11K' without issues. She insists she's doing Mt W with me next year, so I'm betting she'll be back to the doc's for more Diamox in 2011 to hike above 11K' for the first time . . .