Steve C, your granola receipe is what got me started thinking of ths topic. I made a batch of your granola and think it will be a good alternative to my usual camping/hiking breakfast of regular flavor instant oatmeal with raisins and a cup of hot chocolate. I will be taking both to HM.

It just got me wondering if there were other food ideas out there. Thanks to all who replied. As always, good info.

I also experience a loss of appetite at altitude. I recently discovered ginger chews. ( ) I eat one once I get over 9k and have found food is appealing and I can get more than a bite down. In fact, I was able to eat a bagel with cream cheese, sliced turkey and bacon sandwich at 11k on San Gorgonio a couple of weeks ago. I have never been able to eat that much over 10k in one instance. Ginger is known for settling stomach upset. Some people use antacids, pepto, etc I find ginger ale or ginger tea works for me. Don't know why it took me so long to think of using ginger candy on the trail.

Last edited by wazzu; 09/07/10 09:03 PM.