Originally Posted By: Bulldog34

OK, I can see how this is going to work, Bee. It'll take direct questions, won't it? Here's the easy question (and really the only one of true consequence): how did it feel to finally stand on Whitney's summit after all the time and effort you've dedicated to this mountain and the Whitney Zone?

Oh, gosh -- ask away; I do not mind answering questions! I just do not have the knack (yet) that the others have to put together a readable report. It IS easier if you have a particular question to answer, so here goes:

I very much had in my mind, the anquished descriptions of those who had to turn around at Trail Crest, so that I almost feared/dreaded this looming check-point. I saw many ill people as we got closer, and I had to beelieve that the followed advice of those who came before me would lift me up and over any foreseen obstacles. At the end of the very last switchback -- after following Bob R thisclose beelieving that his presence was drawing me up the hill -- other scenery(see above) distracted the boys, so that I pushed on to my most dreaded/magical checkpoint all by myself. The view was glorious. I felt glorious. The summit was a sure shot. After "conquering" Trail Crest, the summit was icing on the cake, really. I was more terrified of not reaching Trail Crest.

One of my favorite solo moments

The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.