Wagga's post on the anniversary of this fine Forum and mention of it's origin (which I guess I missed) does remind me of these seemingly now-annual Fall SARs on Whitney and elsewhere. Three (Brunette last year and what we're calling Omaha and Meysan Lake SAR) this year) have cost probably over $50,000 (a Chinook adds considerably to an already high SAR cost...). To say nothing of the effort and danger to SAR people. These are our tax dollars at work -- or, arguably, just pissed away as a result of testosterone poisoning.

In each case, these individuals rescued or searched for were warned by experienced individuals to "Turn Around -- it's just going to get worse!!" They didn't and a major SAR (and one death) were the result.

How can we stop this sort of thing? What sorts of effort can the climbing community and agencies (NPS and USFS) put into effect to get people to pay attention to weather, to take seriously the dangers of hiking at altitude after about September 20th (+/- ...)???

Suggestions sought and hugely encouraged!



Last edited by George; 10/25/10 08:46 PM.

None of the views expressed here in any way represent those of the unidentified agency that I work for or, often, reality. It's just me, fired up by coffee and powerful prose.