Originally Posted By: Bee
I do not think that this was a factor in any of the three cases that George mentioned, as quoted below:

Originally Posted By: George
In each case, these individuals rescued or searched for were warned by experienced individuals to "Turn Around -- it's just going to get worse!!" They didn't and a major SAR (and one death) were the result.

They were adequately warned. Most of them were experienced. They chose to ignore thee most pertinent information available: the deteriorating weather.

Bee, I think there is a difference between being warned at the last minute as they are preparing to step on the trail, and being informed via reading the information. (I believe you, too, were the recipient of well-meaning but a little overzealous warning last month when you picked up permits.)

A verbal warning at the last minute... can be blown off as some "Chicken Little" rant. Especially when you have all your gear there, ready to go. Warnings like those make some people want to prove the messenger wrong.

But if they have read the information, complete with examples of SARs and fatalities, there is a better chance of it's being trusted, believed and absorbed.

But if they have never heard of a site like this, all they have is those last minute warnings.