Thanks wazzu, It was a fun day: the hike and then everyone at the presentation.

Someone PMed these questions so i am posting my reply:


I am glad to enjoyed the presentation. I relive the experience each time I tell it. I wish REI's technical equipment worked better but they had just got it in that day.

1. Would you do it again?
If someone paid my expenses and for my husband to come to base camp - I might do it again. The worse thing was being away from my family for two months.

2.What time did you summit?
We left Camp 4 at 9 PM and I stepped onto the summit at 9:02 AM.

3. What percentage of your trip self funded vs. sponsored?
My paid my expenses by taking out loans. I tried to get a sponsor but I guess I didn't fit into their corporate plan. Family and friends did donate some money which helped buy the
expensive Everest gear (boots, down suit, etc...).

4. Where did you use crampons for the first time? Since you only started climbing 3 years ago.
In 2005 we spent 2 hours in rented crampons on a glacier in Norway (does not really qualify). The first real time I used crampons was during the 3-day ice climbing course in Lee Vining.

These are great questions. As you can tell, the story is full of details which is why I have decided to write a book. Not the typical Everest climb - if there is such a thing. Crazy stuff!

Thanks for coming!