Had originally planned to go hit North Peak via Saddlebag Lake, but the impending snow prompted us to stay farther south so we decided to hit Mono Pass peak starting from the Mosquito Flats trailhead in the Little Lakes valley. Beautiful up there as always, and the trail up to Mono Pass was in fine shape. Just a few small patches of snow sprinkled along the way, though not sure if that area received any of the snow from last night. Mono Pass peak is worth checking out if you have already done Mt. Starr and you want a slightly different view from up above Mono Pass. Mono Pass Peak affords fine views of Fourth Recess Lake, Pioneer Basin, Red Slate Mountain, and the various peaks around Convict Lake. You even catch a glimpse of Ritter off in the distance. There was variable snow above Mono Pass, but it was easy to navigate via bootstepping.