Had a beautiful weekend at Whitney, arrived at 7pm Friday at the Portal to say hi to Doug ,Richard, Miles & Amy. Saturday morning while getting ready in the parking lot, met Calico and Norma, at the old trail head met Joan with Norma and hiked with them until we split up at mirror lake. Took the chute up which at this time is getting very warm. Going up chute with sun in my face, had to find a rhythm so it was 12 steps up, 20 to 30 sec. rest. Got to Trail Crest at 1:15.
Arrived at Summit at 4:35 to find my favorite wind break full of snow so I made a small one for my stove behind Hut. At about 6 pm there was a dark cloud overhead and a couple of small snowflakes fell and that was it.
Adam Burchey showed up at this time from the MR route stayed awhile with his friend then went down the 400 to their camp at iceberg.
The night was clear and around 25 until the early morning where it was 21 deg.
Got up at 4:30am Sunday made 2 cups of coffee snacks and headed down at 6:20. The only time I used crampons was when I got to Trail Crest at 8am and not knowing how the condition of the chute was, I did heel first for most of the chute and glissaded a couple of times.
Never used my hardshell, or winter gloves. very light breeze off and on all weekend.
Whitney Photos
Adam Going down 400