Spent Thursday night at portal went down to get a MR walk in permit at 8am at Inyo office they had 2 left..Nice day for a walk up the MR with a breeze off and on, got to the notch at 5pm dropped a few things off and went up the 400 took me 30min.to the top of notch starting on left side and hanging on right side rest of the way up.On summit at 6pm and 40deg very nice up there, came down far left side though the blocks then down the chute..
Had a nice dinner of chicken noodle soup and bread, and watched a beauty of a sunset.Then as the sun set the wind came up and blew all night shakeing my Uber Bivy for yea all night got maybe 3hrs sleep with 2 mild sleeping pills..Laying on my back my head would roll back and forth with the bivy so I would lay on my side and it helped..Got up at 10pm and 1:30am and the night sky full of stars it was awesome(better than Torrance)

In the early morning hrs I checked the temps of outside 26deg. inside my bivy 39deg. and inside my 32deg bag was 63deg.
When I left this morning(saturday)it was 24, met 2 climbers about to do the East Buttress and thay said it was 30 at iceberg lake..
Another fun filled couple days at whitney..
Doug Jr thanks for that always great BLT sandwich for lunch..
Rest of Pictures Here
MR at the Notch Camp


Tea for One

Moon and Sunset