Also to consider is sciatica. If the pain radiates down the leg then the sciatic nerve is definately involved. The Piriformis exits the obterator foramen with the sciatic nerve but true piriformis pain is only in the butt.Now an inflamed priformis can swell and irritate the sciatic nerve but a piriformis muscle strain condition itself does not radiate past the buttock Only the sciatic nerve can radiate down the leg to the foot.Running is a pounding activity and the butt/leg pain may originate in the lumbar spine.A diffential diagnosis is sometimes difficult as the conditions can co-exist but a trained doctor can make the correct diagnosis.Does it hurt to cough or sneeze or bear down to have a bowel movement? Do you have pain in your lowback across the beltline? Does your low back or leg pain hurt to bend forward(flexion) ,backwards(extension) or hurt on entension and simultaneous rotation?

Last edited by Rod; 01/25/11 08:27 PM.