Welcome to WhitneyZone, SaltyDog!

Some years ago when I was leading Sierra Club day hikes, wagga and I would do Trans-Sierra Day Hikes that way. We would swap cars before the trip, and drive to the opposite trail heads, usually camping at or near the trail head to get an early morning start.

Then we would hike the same trail in opposite directions, and trade car keys when we met. Each group would then proceed to the end and get in the other car and head home. (I even recovered wagga's sandal that had dropped off his pack on one trip.)

I must say, this is the ideal way of getting to/from a one-way hike like that. All other situations involve extra cars and extra driving -- for several other people.

Maybe you could get lucky and find someone here willing to do that with you, but it may be a slim chance.

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How many hikers to you expect to come along on your trip?