Wow, so much info so soon. Glad I joined here at Steve's invite.
There will be six in the party, and we are actually allowing 10 days, mostly so we could take it easy for the first couple. We were considering a loop, even thinking about Pants Pass for the return. We could do a loop, but a more leisurely trip and my kids first view of the MWT (they know I have done it 4 times)
are strong considerations. (Kids, BTW are 18-22). If it turns out we are all in great shape and can blow by Bearclaw on the first day, then we were planning the extra time for a side trip to Lake South America. Will consider the loop, but meanwhile, strong preference is the traverse. Start date is not set in stone, but must be after Aug 1 and end before 18, or maybe 20 at the latest.

Wherever you go, there you are.