
I thought the food was good on the last Whitney outing - hot meals, big stove stuff - but some of the other more seasoned vets (projects all over the country) felt is was less-than-average compared with other trips.

There was plenty of good drinks but much of it was supplied by the individuals. The vets said on other trips it was gratis. The FS handled the money (I believe) so maybe that's why it worked that way.

You are right about the group - extremely hard working people. No one was auditing the ledger sheet to see whether they were getting their money's worth. As I recall there were about a dozen people and I think I was the only private sector guy. All the rest were non-profits, ranging from university researchers, government workers, teachers, etc. Not a single laggard and all very interesting people.

Normally these trips fill up in a matter of days - not so this time. Maybe everyone is pulling back.

Last edited by gregf; 12/11/09 04:42 PM. Reason: qualification