Based on everything I've read I have a couple theories:

1. I was not well enough rested. I didn't sleep much on the plane ride and didn't sleep enough the night before the hike.

2. I did not breath deeply enough. The Alaskan hiking I've done all summer has been steep and strenuous. Somehow, switchbacks have not yet been introduced on Alaskan trails!

So I am in very good shape. My theory is that I was not exerted on the Whitney hike and simply was not breathing hard enough---I don't ever remember being out of breath and certainly didn't work up a sweat on the entire hike.

One solution would be to hike faster which would cause you to breath heavier and deeper. Most would probably not advise that. So my intent is to create a purposeful deep breathing routine throughout the hike.

3. Water--I am normally a heavy drinker on the trail (and frequent peeer) and that didn't change on my Whitney hike. But I am going to be even more careful on this hike. Instead of using my 3-Liter Camelback I am going to carry bottles so I can easily monitor exactly how much I am drinking.