Originally Posted By: dbd
Save the bag of salt for the gear from SierraNevada that comes from the catalog without the judgement or experience to use them safely.
Dale B Dalrymple
Dale, I agree that ultralight gear takes a little more knowledge and experience to use, but it's not rocket science. Pitching a tarp is more difficult than setting up a basic tent, but a few tries in the backyard can get anyone started. An alcohol stove or Esbit stove is a little more difficult than a canister stove, but the heaviest solution - a white gas stove - can be the most difficult of any stove, with the priming involved and occasional field repair. Lighter gear usually wears out faster, but its usually more expensive, which motivates people to take better care of it.

But in the end, it's just gear, people. Lighten up and stop taking pot shots at responsible ultralight backpackers every time a story pops up about someone who makes a bad decision to leave critical gear at home.