Rod, you don't seem to understand that my answers were directed to very narrow questions, and you have responded as though I am discussing a much larger issue, which I'm not. I am addressing myself to the title of this thread, and to a lesser degree to HACE, a related problem.

You then asked a "bait" question about what physicians (of which I am one) would do, then, flatly stated after I'd answered, that that is not what physicians would do (of which I don't think you are one).

Why on earth would I have a problem with your responses?

Do I advocate dex for simple AMS: no

Do I advocate dex as a substitute for acclimatization: no

Do I advocate doing everything possible to avoid a death: yes

Would I recommend Diamox for a person who has a history of HAPE: yes, in addition to acclimatization.

Would I recommend that a person with a history of HAPE carry dex: Yes, they are at high risk, and it may save their life.