COVID-19 is just like climate change and evolution. Some of us go with the science. Some of us ignore the science and believe whatever we want to believe. The economy is screwed because tens of thousands of people are dying, not because your governor (or mine) is a malevolent idiot. The solution is better testing and contact tracing. Blindly opening up the economy and scoffing at masks and social distancing will kill a lot of people, many of whom aren’t black, brown, diabetic, or over 65. Some of those people will be your friends, neighbors, and relatives, if not you. Some of those people will be MY friends, neighbors, and relatives, if not ME. It will make the funeral directors rich, but it won’t save the economy.

I haven’t been to the doctor, ophthalmologist, dentist, or barber. I’ve been to Walmart and Home Depot once each, and my favorite Indian restaurant (for takeout) twice. But I’m not living in fear, cowering at home. I haven’t missed a day of horseback riding in six months, and I’ve tagged 67 summits so far in 2020. Lots of skiing and 11 more peaks on the Tahoe Ogul List. I plan to stay away from other people as much as I can, and wear a mask when I can’t. If everybody else does the same, we should get through this.