Cool album Tom - I don't think I've ever seen a photo of Laura having fallen on her kiester! So for a long time I've wondered: what does the "_rc" stand for? Rock climber? Radical communist? What?

The snowshoe idea was a wild hair and I think I may need to shelve this idea for the time being. Snowshoing sounded simple and fun, having never done it before, but after researching the concept it appears to be pretty damn expensive gear-wise for a one-time jaunt. To the tune of probably $500-$700 for decent snowshoes, waterproof boots, the right poles/baskets, and the necessary winter/snow shell and pants. That, along with the fact there's nowhere to train in the damn things in my neck of the woods. Guess I'm stuck with what I am - a four-season hiker in the South and a one-season hiker out West (outside of DV).